Thursday, November 5, 2020

Blog Assessment 3B- Best Blog Entry

Has It Made It's Way To My Floor?   

     Everyday that passes by it's hard not to wonder if you will get the coronavirus. It seems like everyday you hear of somebody that sadly gets the virus. Coming to college I was a little worried knowing that I was going to be around a lot more people than I had been around since the pandemic began. 

    I moved in about a little in about five weeks ago. Since I lived quite near the university and there wasn't much going on at campus yet, I decided to go back home for a couple days. Moving in eased my anxiety about being around so many people up until I received a text message from our dorm's group chat saying that someone from our dorm got the virus. I can remember laying on my bed at home that night, watching my phone get bombarded with text messages. Many people were getting pretty nervous, while others were trying to tell everyone to stay calm. Personally, I wasn't worried because the student had not even arrived on campus yet. 
    After staying home for a bit I went back to college. During move-in week, I was already hearing chit chat about parties. While many thought it would be fun, others, including myself, tried to warn them about bringing the virus not only to campus, but specifically, our dorms. I had a friend who was already being quarantined on campus, and I did not want that to happen to us. Unfortunately, many did not listen and that lead to a problem; someone on my floor got the corona virus. I remember the day I heard that news our floor was overpowered with the smell of lysol. I quickly walked into my room, pinching my nose to avoid the smell. After getting in my room, I was starting to worry not really about myself, but about bringing the virus to my family back home.

    Thankfully, since I've arrived on campus, nothing more/worse has happened to or around me in regards to the covid-19 . However, as a student all you can do is carry on with your daily life while following guidelines, and only hope and pray that you aren't the next to get the virus.   

When the Pandemic Hits You On Both Ends

  Imagine being in the midst of a pandemic in college and having your family get sick as well as your roommate? What would you do? Where would you go? Unfortunately a similar case happened to me a couple of weeks ago. 

    With covid cases slowing down a bit on campus, I started to feel a little more at ease (always following precautions and guidelines of course) roaming around campus. One weekend, while visiting home, I got a message from my roommate telling me that she had been exposed to someone who had Covid-19 and was going to get tested the next day, as well as self-quarantine. I was starting to get a little worried, not for myself but for my family in particular. I would despise myself if I ever gave it to them! While I wasn't in direct contact with anyone who had the coronavirus, knowing that my roommate was, made me a little worried. The very same weekend I went to visit my family, I noticed that a couple of them started coughing, saying that their throats were sore, and feeling very tired. Immediately without thinking about all the million other illnesses they could have, my mind went instantly to covid. Did I give it to them? Do I have the Covid? Did my roommate give it to me? If my family has covid and my roommate has it, where am I supposed to quarantine? So many things were running through my mind. I was overwhelmed and could not keep my mind clear. Thankfully, I got news soon that neither my roommate nor my family tested positive for the coronavirus. I was able to return to school and was very thankful to be that fortunate. It's crazy how even the thought of getting the coronavirus can be so frightening!

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What to do when the pandemic hits you on both ends?

    Imagine being in the midst of a pandemic in college and  having your family get sick as well as your roommate? What would you do? Where ...